Today we went to the Gallery Uffizi in the morning. It was okay, but not overly impressive. All the prints by the TMNTs (Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles) are facsimiles, and mostly just sketches for their bigger paintings or sculptures. There were a lot of sculptures all in this big hall, and paintings in the rooms adjacent. Most paintings had to do with good old JC and the big man himself (INRI), or it was John the Baptist and San Sebastian (that guy had a lot of arrows in him); so I kinda got bored after a while.
In the afternoon, after a little siesta, we tried to find a supermarket, but to no avail. I guess we just have problems finding things. So it'll be fast food for us for a while anyways. After much searching for the unfound food market, Kev and I went to the duomo here in Florence. It's a big church with a dome and a bell tower. The main area was closed by now (just our luck), but we walked around, and the stairs to the top of the dome was still open. So we paid our dues, and started climbing (again, with the climbing, it's terrible). After what seemed like an eternity, we arrived at the middle of the dome, inside the building. It had a pretty incredible painting on the dome, what with hell, and heaven and angels and stuff like that. Then the climb continued, and finally we arrived at the top. We got a gorgeous view of the town, and the hills surrounding it. There were many castle-like buildings on top of the hills around the city, and it's just a beautiful view. I could stay up there all day. But at last, our senses returned to us, and we went down and got some food. Now, it looks like we might make a day trip tomorrow to Pisa and some other town, we'll see how well that goes.