Easter Egg Hunt Goes Awry
Guelph, ON - An Easter egg hunt organized by the City of Guelph ended in riots yesterday with two people sent to the hospital and three arrests by Guelph police. What was planned as a joyous day of fun and celebration resulted in a dark time for everyone involved and a black eye for the city's administrators.
"It wasn't until the adult egg hunt that things started happening," recalls a bystander, "they were pushing people around in the hay, and I'm sure there were some inappropriate language exchanged. "
"What kind of example are we setting for our kids here?" Asks police chief Rob Davis. "I cannot believe the behaviour of the parents. Nothing can justify what happened at the event in question."
The adult egg hunt, a first in Guelph, was included to "make the day enjoyable for parents as well as the kids," comments Peggie Reynolds, organizer of the event. But as soon as the hunt started, the parents began bickering about the lack of eggs, the overcrowded floor, and how their children are never as good as their neighbours'. Eventually words turned into action, and a riot ensued. Looters broke into several nearby businesses, and damage was estimated at $5, a record high for Guelph.
When asked whether this event will continue next year, Ms. Reynolds replied "definitely not, there's too much bad blood around here. I hope there weren't any mofia families involved, otherwise we can expect a scene right out of the Godfather."
The two people sent to hospital are still listed in critical condition for consuming too much chocolate, and those arrested by the police were denied bail for ties to local mafia. Several bystanders have also requested to be entered into the witness protection program. Eye witnesses are encouraged to contact the police at 1-519-LOCK-ME-UP as the investigation continues.