Friday, May 31, 2002

I got paid today. I was happy, until I saw that 1/4 of my paycheque goes to the government, another 1/6 goes to the rent, and it will take 5-7 business days to clear. So now I'm still stuck with only $40 in my pocket for the next week.

Thursday, May 30, 2002

I know I probably shouldn't complain, but I'm going to.

Cold cut trio in Waterloo Subway: $5.16 CDN (tax included)
Cold cut trio in Seattle Subway: $5.34 USD (tax included)

Sometimes, it just doesn't make sense.

I just bought my very first cd from That's gotta count for something.

The most important things we have in life, we always take for granted. We assume that we will still be alive when we wake up tomorrow, we believe that there will be enough food for the next meal, we think that our friends and family will be there when we need them. What would happen if we don't have the securities we take for granted?

If you knew that the world would end tomorrow, what would you do today?

Where's the cheapest place to buy wireless network cards?

Wednesday, May 29, 2002

I rented Mulholland Drive last night. I kept on looking for the "Oh" at the end that ties everything together, but couldn't find any. I watched the last third of the movie twice, and still cannot make sense of anything.

The first half seemed at least coherent, except with the two men in the diner, and the laughing old people. But as the blue box was opened, everything turned upside down, with character switches and plot changes, and general confusion. I tried to think about it as I was going to sleep, and when I woke up this morning. It seems that the more I try to make sense of everything, the more confused I get. Maybe I'm just not meant to get this movie.

Tuesday, May 28, 2002

What I wouldn't give to be holding a beer in my left hand, remote in my right, and watching the game right now.

Trip to Vancouver was nothing short of exciting, right from the start. Here's the recap.

Friday afternoon, we planned on leaving early to avoid traffic, and ended up leaving at around 4 pm, which is right in the middle of rush hour. We were on I-5 for about 2 hours going at 20 miles an hour. Then, just as traffic was speeding up a little, we find out that we're in the wrong lane, and were in fact heading towards an exit. Since the traffic was still slow, and there weren't cars directly behind us, we changed over at the last minute. Just when we thought we're on our way, a cop on the side of the road points at us, and pulls us over. We got a ticket for having our "wheels off of the road". I think we'll be fighting that one in court.

Of course, this incident offset the mood for driving, and for the rest of that drive, our driver, who shall remain nameless, 1.) almost ran a red light, and in the process, 2.) almost hit a cop car in Vancouver, and 3.) lost his bank card. Good start, some might say. But we did get a free upgrade to a mid-sized car from the rental company.

We didn't do much that night, just went to a bar, had a couple of drinks, and went back to the hostel. Only to find that the arcade downstairs doesn't close until some ridiculous hour, and was very, well, loud.

Saturday was better. We were a little tired, but ready to go places. The first sight we went to was Stanley Park. We drove, parked, walked, snapped pictures, and drove again, around the park about 3 times. The scenery was wonderful. The centre of the park is a forest with sky-scraping trees. The edge of the park borders the bay and an inlet. I was a little trigger-happy with the camera.

We went to Chinatown for lunch, and went to a garden there. There were some giant goldfish in the pond, and a turtle as well. We also saw a bonsai display, and was amazed at how miniature the trees were. The garden made me feel like I was back in China again. It was very authentic, right down to the murky water in the pond.

In the afternoon, we proceeded on Capilano street towards the Capilano Suspension Bridge. It's a bridge that spans a gorge, with a raging river beneath (well, not that raging, but it sounds better). Across the bridge is a natural wonder. There were ponds and trees and rivers and small waterfalls. The pond was so still that the reflections blended in with the background. A very zen place.

We were going to go to Grouse mountain, but decided not to, considering it was nearing 6, and we were all tired. So we went to the liquor store, bought some drinks, and went back to the hostel. At night, we wondered to some clubs, but they all had such long line ups. We eventually ended up at one which was nearly empty. But I'm not much of a club person, so I won't go in any further.

Sunday morning came and went. We drove to the UBC campus. There are some amazing houses around the campus overlooking the ocean. Their gardens were all perfectly groomed, and all had gates blocking their driveways. Our stroll on the beach saw hundreds of tiny crabs just teaming at our feet. You can't really notice them until you really try to look, and then you see that they're everywhere. UBC has a pretty big campus, but a lot of their buildings are just as bad as those in UW. Although that may be my biased opinion.

In the afternoon we finally made it to Grouse mountain. I was all ready for the 2 hour hike to the top, but alas, it was not to be. The trail was closed, and we soon found out why as we rode the skycar to the chalet. There were still 4 feet of snow in some places, and I don't think I would have made it in my shorts. We would have had an amazing view at the top, had it been clear. But the days we were there, it was always raining and cloudy. On top of the mountain was even worse. We could barely see 15 feet in front of us. But by the time we were leaving, the fog cleared up a little, and we had a splendid view of Vancouver on the ride down.

The crossings at the border were long waits, but we had no trouble getting across, even with the new terrorist warnings this weekend. Hopefull I'll have some pictures up soon. I hope they turn out well.

Friday, May 24, 2002

I've been wondering about a commercial I see here on TV all the time. It's an infomercial-esque ad with the guy-with-the-loud-voice-and-crazy-arm-movements telling us to buy a pita. This pita would replace all the other fast foods (while pointing to hamburgers, tacos, fries...). At the end of the commercial is a 1-800 number.

So I don't know whether I'm supposed to call the number, and order a pita, or if this is all a big joke some rich dude is pulling.

The Lusty Lady, now featuring C 3 PeepShows.

I feel tired today, but that could be because I got up early today.

I got up early today, but that could be because I'm leaving early today.

I'm leaving early today, but that could be because I'm going to Vancouver today.

I'm going to Vancouver today, but I'm tired.

Thursday, May 23, 2002

Just finished reading a short novel/long essay by Cryptonomicon author Neal Stephenson entitled "In the Beginning was the Command Line" (you can, of course, also buy it from

An interesting read about the evolution of modern OS, and his feelings about why Microsoft is grasping onto thin air. Not the usual MS bashing as you'd see on Slashdot. Many of his analogies are insightful, like the one comparing OS companies (or in the case of Linux, the lack thereof of a company) to car dealerships, and computer users/"hackers" to Elois/Morlocks. While I don't agree with all his comments regarding GUI's and his overuse of the word "hacker" (although that one might be arguable), he does present some interesting theories.

A nice break from the everyday boredom of watching builds.

This was sticking on my door when I got home Tuesday night. Personally, I think it's a little ridiculous how paranoid everyone has gotten, and how quick the people of authority are to dump their liabilities. And what kind of country is the US trying to run? One based on unending fear? Instead of telling the people who live here that increased security measures are in place, and will prevent further attacks, they are taking advantage of people's primal fears, and using it to become more of a ... dictatorship, for lack of a better word.

Wednesday, May 22, 2002

I cannot believe my eyes. It is telling me that the #1 Ranking on Alexa is

Thanks Ken.

Finally was able to check my marks this morning. Wow, haven't gotten two 80's in one semester in a long time, or ever. I'll have to pick up the slack next term.

Tuesday, May 21, 2002

Almost two days have gone by since when our marks are supposed to be online, still no luck. Now, instead of no response, I get a bea.jolt.ServiceException: TPESYSTEM - internal system error. Wonderful stuff.

As promised, here are some pictures I took. I'm trying out a new categorization - going by months. These may not be months in which they were taken, but rather in which they were developed.

Look for pictures soon.

Monday, May 20, 2002

Words cannot express the frustration I feel towards the computer systems in our school. How hard is it exactly, to keep a server running? Nevermind the fact that Quest is only available Monday to Saturday from 7 to midnight (except Wednesdays, where it's 8 to midnight), and Sundays from noon to midnight (except every third Sunday) ... but as soon as some relevant information is to become available, the application server goes down, or is unavailable. In any environment other than an educational setting, this type of availability would be unacceptable.

The first day that we can check our marks and guess what? Quest is down. Surprise, surprise.

I saw Episode II this weekend, and as soon as I walk in the office today, I get an invite to see it on the company. But I thought that it was a good enough movie to see twice, especially since the second time around will be in a digital theatre.

As I'm sure many people have noted, the graphics in this movie is amazing. There were points where it seemed generated, but overall, it was very lifelike. As for the plotline, I'm not a critic, but the sappy moments were less sappy than those in Spiderman. Something could be said about Christensen's acting abilities, but Natalie Portman is, well, Natalie Portman.

Friday, May 17, 2002

Apparently, not only do American Banks suck, Canadian Banks suck too.

I've never really liked Royal Bank anyways. I should just close my account there.

Lost posts make me hate Blogger.

I saw a fire the other day. Well, not so much the fire as the smoke coming out the top of the building. There were about 5 or 6 fire engines already on the scene, and a couple of ambulances. I just walked by, but didn't really see much of anything. I don't even know if anyone got hurt.

I saw the most hilarious sign on my way to work yesterday. Over at the Lusty Ladies (I'm assuming it's a peep show, or something similar), they are showing Stare Wars II - Attack of the Silicones. This reminds me of all the porn titles you can come up with from mainstream blockbusters, like Saving Ryan's Privates, Glad He Ate Her, Done in 60 Seconds, Charlie's Angels (no effort on that one) ... so on and so forth.

Thursday, May 16, 2002

A truly sunny day today, amazing, considering it's Seattle. Maybe it won't be as bad as I thought afterall. Although the weekend weather doesn't look that great.

Wednesday, May 15, 2002

I moved offices today. I am now sharing an office with my mentor. Now I am on the 4th floor, instead of the second, and I have direct view of an outside window from the door of the office. But all I can see is the people in the other building.

The day will come when I can actually see sky.

Tuesday, May 14, 2002

How many times in a row now has Ottawa lost to Toronto in the playoffs?

Oh, right, three.

Shared Objects are the devil.

I never really liked sharing anyways, unless it were other people's stuff.

Monday, May 13, 2002

Apparently I get to participate in a resume review tomorrow to pick out whom to interview from UW. Any bidders?

The weekend weather was fantastic. Sunny and warm, with temperatures in the 80s, or around 26 degrees Celcius. But now it's cold and cloudy again.

I couldn't really go anywhere, mainly due to the lack of cash. But I did take a lot of pictures, and as soon as I have money to get them developed and scanned, I'll post some here.

Friday night I made use of the hottub on the roof for the first time. There was a cruise ship docked almost directly in front of the apartment building, and we saw it pull away as we were enjoying wine. Then the security guard came up and kicked us out because it was getting too late. He also mentioned the time when he kicked out 4 naked girls from the hottub. I have to go to the roof more often.

Saturday, I mostly just bummed around the harbour (there was a tugboat race), and went to the Pike Street Market again. It was full, packed actually, of people buying flowers. But I enjoyed the flying fish and the strands of chili peppers hanging from little shops. There was also the experience of buying coffee at the original Starbucks, which I will cherish for the rest of my days (sarcastic remark).

I took full advantage of my bus pass on Sunday. First I went to Seattle centre, and saw the Space needle. I didn't go up, but it's really not that tall. Then I walked over to Queen Anne, and took a bus (actually, several busses) to finally end up at the University of Washington. I must admit, the UW here has a much nicer campus than our UW, although that's not saying much. I'll have some pictures here soon. When I finally got home, I found someone already inside. Imagine my surprise! But my forgotten roommate has finally showed up, and he is from Carnegie Mellon. Just don't ask me for his name, you know I'm terrible with names.

Friday, May 10, 2002

After reading an analysis of Spiderman on Slashdot and a review of Star Wars II on the New York Times (free reg.), I remind myself how ridiculous it is to read other people's overanalyzations of media.

I remember back in the days of high school when we had to write essays about themes and symbolism in novels. I often thought to myself, did the author really intend for these themes and symbols to be such a large part of the novel? I've always wanted to write a novel about nothing, and see what the critics would make of my non-existent symbols.

I also encountered some "facts" and statistics today in my daily readings, and it brought into my mind Rafi's rant about proving things with facts. Having taken Stat 231, I am ever more skeptical on statistics, and its calls for causation. In reality, it ranges from the very difficult to the nearly impossible to actually prove something with pure statistics, and it's frightening how often people rely on them to prove their point. I've probably done it myself many times.

Just remember, 90% of stuff that comes out of people's mouths are crap, and I just made that up.

Stupid American Banks

Thursday, May 09, 2002

I had an epiphany this morning, while I was still half asleep. I figure that if I get a wireless card for my laptop, and go to the roof, I might be able to pick up something. Or I could go to one of the 250 Starbucks in the region, and pay them for some wireless access.

Wednesday, May 08, 2002

People in Seattle seem to have a different definition of sunny than what I'm used to. I heard on TV this morning that it was sunny outside. I walk outside, and there's scattered clouds, and even in the places where you can see blue, there's still a thin veil of haze. I haven't seen the sun for several days now.

Another gripe: American beer sucks. I had some Pyramid India Pale, and I can't even describe my disgust. It didn't go down well, and leaves a coarse after taste. I'll appreciate my Keith's much more after another four months of this.

Tuesday, May 07, 2002

Update 2: It's now gone. Someone must have noticed.

Update: It's #11 now.

With Mother's Day coming up, lots of stores are having sales of gifts only a mother would want. This includes Just click here, and look at item #13. And no, I didn't put this in. You may want to hurry though, I hear stimulating gels are going fast this year.

Monday, May 06, 2002

A couple of days without the internet, and I'm in weblog withdrawl.

Big news of the weekend = Ming bought a guitar. Matt, you better get your ass in gear, we've got some lessons to go to when I get back. But now that I spent all that money, I am officially broke. I'm not sure if I'll survive the month of May. I just need to get paid.

Also went to a party on Saturday. They had an amazing bar setup. The whole thing is made of plexiglass. The columns and the lower shelf are clear, and the counter top is opaque, and there were halogen lights strung throughout. It was an amazing job, and the owner built it himself. I want a bar in my house. They also had a theatre setup in the basement, complete with a projector, making the wall into a 60" TV. Oh, and the part about the bartender who kept on flashing everyone was amusing too.

Sunday was a day of unrest, and watching Spiderman. To be honest, I was a little disappointed. The animation seemed a little off, or too anime like. The movements of flying through the air didn't really seem real. The movie also had too many sappy moments that were borderline corny. It wasn't all bad though, there were some good laughs.

Thursday, May 02, 2002

Something you learn very quickly at any software company that I have nearly forgotten: builds take a very very very long time. It's excruciating, and that's all I've been doing and am going to do for the next couple of days. At least I have 2 machines I can switch between so I'm not stuck with nothing to do when building (that's why I'm blogging).

I'm looking forward to when I get paid so I can buy stuff, like my digital camera. One more month...

It's raining in Seattle. Surprise surprise.

Wednesday, May 01, 2002

Checking out Alexa, I see that Google has reached the #2 spot, which makes that elusive number 1 even more intriguing. Who could it be?

The Hip is playing in Seattle August 24th, anyone want to come?

Go Leafs Go. As I could not watch the game live yesterday (the whole time difference and being at work thing), I followed the score on the internet. Yes, I know, I'm a nerd.

Today doesn't look so good outside. I think the rain season might be starting soon, and apparently it doesn't end until July. So you'll be hearing a lot of bitching from my side about rain.