I wonder if anyone else but me think that the
apple switch ads are incoherent, dumb, and flagrant miscarriages of information.
Sarah Whistler: "I never understood how I was supposed to move things around, or open anything (while waving hands wildly). Even though I used it for years..."
If you used it for years and still don't understand the concept of click and drag, then I don't see how a mac would help you.
Ellen Feiss: "I was writing paper, on the pc, and then, it was, like, blipblipblipblip, and then, like, half my paper was gone, and I was like, mmmm?"
If it weren't for the obvious fact that she can't talk and seems completely stoned, I might give her some respect. But it's not like macs have never frozen up and lost someone's file before. In fact, I'm pretty sure every OS out there has done something like that.
Dave Haxton: "...we were lured by the iMac, then we looked at the operating system and said, wow ... we plugged it in, she answered 4 questions and she was surfing the internet."
Now this guy actually seems intelligent, forms his sentences correctly, and he's a programmer. He tries to portray the ease of use of the iMac, and does a good job. Except that the last time I bought a windows machine, I also answered about 4 questions and was surfing the internet, considering how the operating system for most pc's comes pre-installed.
Liza Richardson: "...I couldn't keep track of where everything was, or how things were filed..."
Last time I checked, Apple had directories and files just like everyone else.
I don't want to start a whole Apple vs. MS vs. Linux debate. But these ads have been irking me for the past couple of months, and that's made me resent Apple. I'm not saying that they don't make good stuff, or their products suck, but I believe in fair advertising, and these ads are implying an advantage where none exists.