Thursday, January 30, 2003

Tonight we went to the symphony, trying to upgrade our cultural influences, and pretending to be sophisticated enough to enjoy a hundred piece orchestra.

Tonight's program included Shostakovich's Violin Concerto No. 1, as well as his Symphony No. 10. You can really feel the sombre moods that he faced under the Soviet regime in his music. Some parts were too chaotic to follow, but others were indeed compelling.

So will a season of going to the symphony make Ming the complicated, intellectual, and enlightened person that he pretends to be?

The fortune cookie tales continue.

The first two I ate today had the same message: "All your hard work will pay off".

The next two again had the same message, but different from the first two: "You are kind-hearted and hospitable, cheerful and well-liked".

I think they should put in a message that says: "You know you are eating too many fortune cookies when you start seeing doubles".

Wednesday, January 29, 2003

I bought a box of fortune cookies to eat (because I love the taste and crunchiness). Of the six that I had today, only two were fortunes (and they're not even true fortunes in the "You will win $1 000 000 tomorrow" sense).

"Gain a fresh viewpoint, as such should be very helpful"

"You have an unusually magnetic personality"

"You have a reputation for being straightforward and honest"

"Your partner will be proud of you"

"An investment in enthusiasm ought to start paying off"

"You have a keen sense of humor and love a good time"

Are they running out of things to say? When I open up a fortune cookie, I want to actually read something that a ragged woman behind a set of Tarot cards might tell me. Otherwise we should stop calling them fortune cookies (are they even cookies?) and start calling them personality cookies.

Monday, January 27, 2003

In my true copycat fashion, I'm thinking of renting a hot tub when I get back to Waterloo. There's all that real estate of the back yard, mind as well make full use of it.

Hey, what did I do?

Friday, January 24, 2003

I've noticed this for a while now. Apparently, not only is Matt colour blind, he doesn't seem too keen on the alphabet either.

Sometimes I find myself completely devoid of personality and emotion. I have never found the one thing that I'm absolutely passionate about, that I can devote all my attention to; only false fantasies and self-perpetuated myths.

Even this journal is abstract and indifferent. Sometimes I wish I can feel a furious, raging pain rather than being stoic about everything.

Thursday, January 23, 2003

Last night, as I came out of the Y, waiting on the corner of 4th and Seneca for the #2 bus to come and take me home, I saw something that made me laugh.

Stopped at the intersection was a mid-sized sedan with (possibly) four girls and one male. The male was sitting near the back window, so I can see him clearly. The others in the car were jiving to the music, with the bouncing and the hand motions all the same. The male was either not into the music or not into the dancing for he stared straight and did not move at all.

Reminds me of high school.

Life has been uneventful for the past couple of days. But all my toys have come in, and I am no longer allowed to spend anymore money on nonessentials this term (other than going out, skiing, Vancouver, and possibly a Vegas trip).

Tuesday, January 21, 2003

So my roommate hired a plumber to fix the toilet the other day. Only the line connecting the handle to the flusher as well as the floater thing to stop the water was broken. I was going to get him to drive to a hardware store and buy the parts, but he'd already called the plumber, so I didn't say anything.

Apparently the plumber charged him $220, to fix the flusher. I probably could have done it for 1/10 of the price.

At least I'm moving.

Sunday, January 19, 2003

I think one of the major problems with the society of today's involvement in computers is the lack of intimacy in communication.

More and more conversations on ICQ or MSN start off with "hey", or "are you there", or "what's up", and the subjects and contents of personal emails are so short and impersonal that it's almost becoming generic. Gone are the affectionate "Dear"s or "Cherished"s.

Another serious problem is the new net lexicon that more and more people are beginning to use. The "u" instead of "you" and "r" in place or "are". How long will it be before essays begin to look like "U r 2 l8, and AFAIK, sh'e gone :*-(".

People will argue that this is simply another evolution in language. I humbly disagree. I think this is a regression as far as language is concerned, and a great disservice has been done to the art of literature.

Thursday, January 16, 2003

Cancelled the 20 Gb iPod, got a 10 Gb one instead.

... We all have that heritage, no matter what old land our fathers left. All colors and blends of Americans have somewhat the same tendencies. It's a breed -- selected out by accident. And so we're overbrave and overfearful -- we're kind and cruel as children. We're overfriendly and at the same time frightened of strangers. We boast and are impressed. We're oversentimental and realistic. We are mundane and materialistic -- and do you know of any other nation that acts for ideals? We eat too much. We have no taste, no sense of proportion. We throw our energy about like waste. In the old lands they say of us that we go from barbarism to decadence without an intervening culture. Can it be that our critics have not the key or the language of our culture? That's what we are ...
-- John Steinbeck, East of Eden

It was true 50 years ago, and it's still true now.

Wednesday, January 15, 2003

The 5th Harry Potter book is coming out ... on my birthday. Anyone want to get me a really nice birthday present?

Monday, January 13, 2003

Well, the rain has finally fallen in Seattle, and it's not going to stop for the next three months. The first week was so beautiful that I had almost forgotten the stereotypical Seattle winter portrayed by so many movies. But now I have had the full experience. First it's fog in the morning, and then cloudy all day. The drizzles come around 5 or 6 in the afternoon, and now it's full out pouring.

What a beautiful thing.

Sunday, January 12, 2003

Friday night we went clubbing. I'm not a clubbing type of person, but a good time was had afterall. On Saturday we had a dessert party, where we ate a lot of desserts and drank sweet dessert wine. Our gracious hosts managed to get an amazing penthouse apartment, leaving the rest of us in the dust of jealousy.

This weekend I noticed how inconvenient it is to live where I do. I'm far away from the other coops, and buses to my place stop running at around 12. So if I were to go out, I'd either have to leave early, or crash at someone else's place (or cab home, which is not a very viable option).

I should stop complaining.

Thursday, January 09, 2003

I left work early Tuesday afternoon to go to the airport and catch a flight to Reno, Nevada. This was my second day on the job, and I had barely unpacked my luggage from the flight over here.

After a fulfilling dinner at the hotel restaurant, I ventured into the casino under the hotel. True to my luck, I lost some money. But it's all in good humour since we Chinese consider it as "buying" a successful and healthy new year. I had to hit the sack early to be ready for a 7:15 start.

The distribution center was in Fernley, about 25 miles east of Reno. On the way out there we passed by Mustang, a well know brothel. The DC was quite literally in the middle of nowhere. We drove through the canyon, and arrived at a flat plain where there was the distribution center, a hotel, some restaurants, and road in 4 directions. Security was pretty tight, everyone had to go through metal detectors both on their way in as well as on their way out to make sure they weren't stealing anything.

The DC is enormous, and pretty cool too. The first thing you see is the rows upon rows of merchandise. I say merchandise (rather than books) because most things are randomly stowed (as in not alphabetical), and books were mixed together with cd's and USB cables and 20 gig iPod's. But things still had its order, and it was actually pretty easy to pick items. The pickers carried around a RF gun, and it directed them to the next bin, and told them what title to find.

After the picking, the items are sent to be packaged. There are several methods of packaging (and too long to describe), but the most interesting piece of machinery would have to be the sorter. Individual items are scanned and placed on the sorter, which automagically puts different items from the same shipment together, ready to be packaged. I truely felt like I was in one of those TLC "how'd they do it" shows.

Lastly, the packaged items are slapped on with a label, and ready to be shipped.

I'd like to say more, but I'm not exactly sure what is and is not covered by my NDA.

Wednesday, January 08, 2003

Just got in from Reno. Too tired.

And my iPod order is "being reviewed" according to the Apple website. I wonder if I'll get blacklisted for this.

Monday, January 06, 2003

First day on the job, and already they're planning a trip for me.

Tomorrow night, I'm to fly to Reno. Then I will tour the distribution centers on Wednesday, and while my manager flies to Las Vegas on further business ventures, I will drive to the airport by myself and fly home to Seattle. It should be a fun and exciting adventure, and I'll try to depict my journey as accurately as possible.

I just ordered a 20 GB iPod from the apple developer site for $399. I wonder if they'll catch on to me not being an Apple developer.

Friday, January 03, 2003

Update: They did come in today.

December 21st, a day after I came home for the holidays, I decided to get some photos developed. So I went to the local Black's. The clerk told me that since it was black and white, they'd have to send it away, and it would take about a week.

A week later, I went back. Not done. Only this time, he said it usually takes about 10 days, and there could be more delays since it's the holidays. It's a good thing that he told me this before I gave them the film.

Yesterday, 12 days later, I went there again on the way back from getting my new glasses. Still nothing. Since I leave tomorrow, I'm a little worried. If I didn't live here, I'd be even more worried.

I'm going to call them in about 15 minutes to inquire about the status of my film. If they're still not around ... Matt, you want to help me draft a letter?

Let's just say that I won't be visiting Black's for a while.

New Years pictures.

I'm leaving for Seattle tomorrow afternoon, so I'll need to do laundry and pack today. So much work.

Wednesday, January 01, 2003

Thanks to Lauren, Nat and Matt for organization a most excellent dinner party.

We just need to balance the ratio more next time.