Tuesday, September 30, 2003

Winter Schedule:

CS 456 2:30 - 4 MW
CS 454 11:30 - 1 TR
CO 487 11:30 - 12:30 MWF
MTHEL 400 7:00 - 10 M

Monday, September 29, 2003

The building where I work has absolutely the worst paper dispensers. They're really total failures in design.

The dispensers are too skinny depth-wise, so the next sheet doesn't pull out all the way after you pull out the first sheet, leaving you to have to reach into the tiny slot and try to grab the stack. To confound the dilemma even further, there is no counterweight on top of the papers pushing down, so when you reach in to grab the paper, all you effectively do is push the stack up, failing to actually grab any paper.

This has caused me many a grief, having to come out of the bathroom with semi-wet hands. Why do people not think about things like this? Design and usability should come hand in hand, it's only common sense.

Anyone tried this yet?

Is there a good quality wma to mp3 converter? Considering my iPod can't play wma files.

Friday, September 26, 2003

The rumour has been confirmed. Amazon.com is beginning a new startup called A9 in Palo Alto to develop eCommerce search engine technology.

I must admit, Amazon's current search features suck. Anything would probably be better than what is there now.

Wednesday, September 24, 2003

Selling the hurricane on ebay.

Monday, September 22, 2003

I just came back from a talk given by Al Franken. He came to amazon for a talk and a signing, but since I didn't have his book, and didn't get one when they were giving them out, I only got the talk, but not the signing.

In his book he outlines the "lies" that right wingers propagate, and currently it's oscillating between #1 and #2 on the Amazon.com best seller list. He's a very comedic speaker, but I guess having started Saturday Night Live, it's expected. I think I might buy the book, and read it. Then maybe I'll buy Ann Coulter and Bill O'Reilly's books too, and read those.

Friday, September 19, 2003

I think I'll go with the used ones.

Holy Key Tronic Batman

Is Amazon.com expanding too fast?

I have not bought anything in apparel, home and garden, kids, or toys. There is now also a beta sporting goods store. I can see how:
  1. Partners who have a significant investment in the new stores who are not seeing adequate sales - because it hasn't caught on yet, and most people still think that amazon sells only books - could be unhappy and might discontinue the arrangement because there hasn't been enough ROI.

  2. Partners who offer competing items (i.e. if Circuit City, J&R Music and Amazon.com all offer the same item), and are not given the buy box (the "add to cart" button) could be unhappy (but that can be said is due to healthy competition based on price, availability and customer experience).

  3. There is a lot of clutter on all the pages, and experiments have shown that most people will probably ignore most of the things displayed on any given page. How can one effectively display all the features without overwhelming the customer? But that is really a design issue, and not so much a business one.

The whole motto that amazon seems to follow is to expand and then refine. Will this have an adverse effect if one customer (the buyers) is suitably content while another (the sellers) might not be? And what can be done, even if they do slow down the growth, to accommodate all parties?

Thursday, September 18, 2003

Very cool.

Enron auction.

Anyone want to make a trip to Houston next Friday?

I personally would like an aeron chair and a plasma TV.

Tuesday, September 16, 2003

White Stripes concert.

It was crazy, people pressing against you on all sides, swaying back and forth with no control. It makes you feel like you're in a school of fish. I haven't been in a mosh pit like that for years.

The Yeah Yeah Yeah's opened them. Having some critical acclaim, the YYY's are very energetic performers, with a lot of moving across the stage, and a lot of screaming. The lead singer was definitely drunk.

The White Stripes is amazing, and I still don't know how Jack White can make a guitar sound so much like a bass. I think the crowd's reactions captured their energy. That and the band members' enigmatic relationship has everyone intrigued.

Who wants to go to the NSERC info session this Thursday in DC1302 from 3:30-4:30 and give me a rundown?

Monday, September 15, 2003

Anyone heard about MTHEL 400? I'm thinking about taking that in the winter.

Thursday, September 11, 2003

You know you work at a high tech company when ...

A little background first: there is a blood drive at the company; the walls of the elevators where I work are also covered with white boards.

So someone writes in an elevator whiteboard: "They need more type O blood"

Of course, you have the technologically inept and unimaginative ones responding with "I'm type A", or "I'm A+", or "I'm an F".

Then you have the semi-geeks who write: "I'm type C" and "I'm C++".

But my favourite: "I'm typesafe".

Wednesday, September 10, 2003

Okay, I need some advice for a good elective course that's available in the winter.

At that point, I probably won't care about marks, so I want something that's interesting. And it has to be available in the winter.

Here's my tentative schedule:
CS 454 - Distributed Systems (TR 11:30-1)
CS 456 - Computer Networks (MW 2:30-4)
CO 487 - Applied Cryptograpy (MWF 11:30-12:30)

Tuesday, September 09, 2003

I biked to work both yesterday and today. It only takes about half an hour, but the gruesome climb at the end nearly kills me every time. It's a large hill.

I booked a general test for Oct. 4th and a subject test for Nov. 8. I did a practice test over the weekend, and did BAD on the verbal section, apparently I don't know a lot of words. Anyone know what percentile I need to get into grad school?

Sunday, September 07, 2003

So it took me about 4 days to set up a linux box. Why? Because we have to install the Amazon.com syndicated version, and it kept on screwing up. I couldn't ssh in, didn't have the proper mounts ...

But now, I can at last do most of the things I'm supposed to do, now that the weekend's come.

The beautiful weather here in Seattle is over. It rained yesterday, and it's cold here now (and by cold I mean 15-18 degrees celcius).

I think I might bike to work tomorrow.

Tuesday, September 02, 2003

Bumbershoot pictures.

The REM show was fantastic, and we saw some incredible breakdancing battles.

Monday, September 01, 2003

We saw Radiohead last night at the White River Amphitheatre. Great show, although they could have played more from their older albums.

Pictures (favourite).

Afterwards, we waited for about 30 minutes in the parking lot before deciding to make a break for it and go on the highway. the wait wasn't as bad as expected, and we were back in Seattle hungry and thirsty.

Luckily we picked up some beer at a gas station before everything closed, but there was still the issue of food. Pizza was suggested, and we ended up ordering from a place called Pizza Mart because all other places were closed. The pizza did not arrive until an hour later, and was slightly cold. Let's just say that I won't be ordering from there again.