I dropped off mystery guy -- not so much mystery as random guy I found on the internet -- in Fargo (North Dakota) at about 9 am, after 24 hours of straight driving, and proceeded to drive another 8 hours until I reached Madison. I'm currently reading The Dive from Clausen's Pier, whose heroine is from Madison. So I decided to drive downtown and see if I could see any landmarks mentioned in the book. Downtown Madison is very hard to navigate, especially at night. All I saw was City Hall, some signs pointing to the university, and the lakes.
I finally reached the little town of Callicoon, NY on Tuesday. There's pretty much nothing there. Even the resort I stayed at was not that exciting. We didn't do much except go bowling, play poker with the folks, and snowboarding on the one green hill that was open with manmade snow and a base of about 10 inches.
Finally, after Christmas we decided to go to New York City, where my uncle lives. NYC is a big mess. People were everywhere. Rockefeller Center was so packed that we could hardly move, and Time Square was just a sea of people cresting at the intersections buzzing with honking horns and screeching brakes.
NYC Pictures.