I only have one class on Fridays, so on my way home, I thought I'd grab an Imprint, and read it.
So I did. Sorry Matt, if I'm stealing your thunder.
Senate in favour of raising admission avg
This is fine and all, but there's one quote in there by Senator Len Guelke that I don't quite agree with: "The fundamental criterion of admission should relate to a student's commitment to learn and benefit from the program applied for."
If that's true, then 1/2 of the people who are admitted into CS every year should not have been. I don't think many high schoolers know what they want to do, nor have a strong commitment towards their first choice of programs. In fact, I know many people who switched programs because they didn't think it interested them. University should be about generating interest in learning, and having the flexibility if minds and career choices change.
A stamp makes all the difference
I can see how rogue posters may be a problem, but I don't think there will be a cost effective way to solve it. Paper, ink, and a few staples are cheap. People can afford to put up 50 posters around campus, and it probably saves them way more time than going to the societies.
The left-brain right-brain divide
This guy is an idiot, how did the editors not catch this? Am I dumb in not understanding some higher level of irony?
"the actual campus itself is broken up like some giant left brain/right brain divide: most of the artsies wander the left, while the science folk mainly navigate the right."
Anyone with half a brain knows that the left hemisphere is responsible for logical, linear and verbal thinking, while the right is for intuitive, non-verbal, and creative thinking.
Feds sexy cliche
The womyn's centre is accusing the feds of using sex to sell ads, while they used a woman in a bikini in their ad in the Imprint last week. So it's okay for the womyn's centre, because it creates shock value, which leads to irony, which leads to information flow. But it's not okay for feds because naked bodies shouldn't seem "natural" in advertisements. Well, this week Feds is using a picture of a half-naked man to advertise "Spring Break Night". I guess I'll write a letter saying that they shouldn't objectify the male body like that.
Fat tax my ass
The tao of Zack
Who didn't love Zack Morris? He's now on NYPD Blue.
Mad Cow
I think it's important that people know about BSE, and how it came to be. We shouldn't be feeding cows to cows.