Friday, April 23, 2004

How happy is the blameless vestal's lot!
The world forgetting, by the world forgot.
Eternal sunshine of the spotless mind!
Each pray'r accepted, and each wish resign'd;
Labour and rest, that equal periods keep;
"Obedient slumbers that can wake and weep;"
Desires compos'd, affections ever ev'n,
Tears that delight, and sighs that waft to Heav'n.

-- Alexander Pope (Eloisa to Abelard)
Lovely movie.

It really makes you realize that you never miss something until it's gone. And once it's gone, you wish you'd have kept it.

I've on occasion looked back on events past and thought to myself that "I probably shouldn't have done that." But the sequence of mistakes is part of what makes me who I am, and the absense of which would be like a rift through my life that leaves me wanting. Without the pain and hurt, I would have no idea what slipped away from me.

Also found - Lacuna Inc.

Four and a half years of practice, and I'm still not any better at packing and moving.

I moved into residence fall of 1999 with two suit cases and a school bag. Eight months later I needed someone to help me move my two large suitcases, a bike box stuffed to the max, and two plastic boxes, on top of what I carried myself. Now it takes me a hour just to load up the car, and I need a trailer to haul all the stuff I have.

It's also always a mad rush. I never seem to have everything organized, even if I think I do. Eventually it just boils down to tossing all the small items into the trunk and the back seat, and hope I have everything.

Now I have to figure out how to get just enough stuff out to Seattle to survive the summer.

Tuesday, April 20, 2004

I think that I'm still in the denial stage that I'm actually done my undergrad career. The past five years of my life has be striving for this goal, and now it's over.

To metaquote a quote in The Brothers K,
once you're where you think you want to be you're not there anymore"
I don't actually know where I want to be right now, and work just seems to be the default choice, but how do I know that I have made the right choice? And if I didn't, when will I find out?

Monday, April 19, 2004

11:00 pm.

In thirteen hours I will have hopefully written the last exam of my undergrad career.

Friday, April 16, 2004

Yes, I'm a big nerd, and am proud of the fact that I have a Gmail account.

Let's see what 1 gig of email storage will do for me.

mingfli at gmail dot com.

The only reason I didn't get mfli is because I couldn't. They require usernames to be between 6 and 30 characters, which is a rather ridiculous requirement.

Tuesday, April 13, 2004

I finally decided to make some of the t-shirts I was talking about.

Now I just have to order them.

Monday, April 12, 2004

It's snowing outside.

The Senator fans really need to come up with something original.

Booing Sundin just because the Leafs fans boo Alfredsson is just plain lame.

Sunday, April 11, 2004

The O.C. is on Wednesday this week. What's up with that?

Washroom doors should not be push to get in, and pull to get out. If anything, it should be the other way around.

Presumeably, you wash your hands after doing the business, and to have to pull on a handle that hundreds of other people have pulled on with your clean hands is just not right.

It's just like how there should always be an odd number of urinals.

Why don't people use common sense in their designs?

Wednesday, April 07, 2004

Seriously, what's up with Donald Trump's hair?

I just can't take him seriously with his first swept forward then slicked back comb-over. He should take it like a man and admit that he's bald.

He needs to say to his barber, "You're fired"™.

Tuesday, April 06, 2004

lbtvv ksepn jtnqy osuww xgtil zcvmk kohfg nweef lpqyz ktwhq
llpqy isvoe iitgk hgwto imkfo panbn uetaz hcnhk dblts hvgzp
olaxd mtcny wywoi cdqla qpoxq wueqw onthb wlcbi vxeye mvnon
zzyxb hsoyc seivs ewbxl zynei grtom ktnmc mlhzg qfclm pqkox
mklal ntrkj idqsd ypwfz fttdi cdzem cwwyq zfvgc ilvte ewtco
tmwqf xaump lpeyg riiwh itwxp xekgs bmfpo vrggn lqrli eavmx
dnwby dahtw jkshp jeyuc lzwbv cvldu fftoc hgcoj xlxie fslvi
pezae qdepc zbcwo ymwcv izelg cuivn lzvjc ygtwb zxbkq bqibj

Monday, April 05, 2004

This morning, just before I woke up, I had a dream. I dreamed that I took a Philosophy class this term, went to the first class, didn't like it, and never went again. For some reason, I didn't drop the course, and have just found out that I need to write the final. This, after a semester of having gone to no classes, read no books, and done no assignments. I thought to myself, "Oh shit," then I woke up and silently counted my courses.

Sunday, April 04, 2004

"As minister of Canadian Heritage, I will, as quickly as possible, make changes to our copyright law," says Helene Scherrer at the Juno's Friday night in response to Justice Konrad von Finckenstein's ruling in the CRIA case.

I didn't know Heritage Ministers can just change the law. I thought you had to put it in a bill, have it pass through the house, etc. But if she says so, then I guess she can try.

And a quote from our favourite Canadian singer Ryan Malcolm:

"Whether people download or not, as long as they're listening to music ... I think it's a challenge for the industry, to try and find a new way to survive."

Saturday, April 03, 2004

From this week's Imprint. The last one while I'm still in university.

Vandalism hits our school. Frankly, this is just dumb. Some people need to grow up and realize they're in university.

The DC Library will be closed for the summer due to the $5 million renovation. Where will the loud kids go to study now?

Campus Question. Most answers boring as usual, but check out the last one (bottom right). Is he Bowman's brother?

Mike Kerrigan tries to save the sweatshops. The timing is a bit of a cop-out, since it's the last Imprint of the term, and his last article ever. You won't even see the "Mike you capitalist pig" letters until next term, when everyone will have forgotten about the article.

The sex columnist talks about reverse-sexism. Tell that to all the clubs where ladies get in for free.

There's also a tri-party forum on Auto-insurance rates (PC, NDP, Liberal). Frankly, I don't see how the PC's can argue that the private sector will keep prices low, especially when we've seen the insurance rates skyrocket over the last few years. I also don't see deductibles of $700 and $500 in Sask. and Manitoba as being high, especially since there are probably many more people with $1000 deductibles in Ontario just to lower their insurance bill.

Skinprint. This once a year Misprint puts out an ad for Skinprint. If only it were true. See the unsensored version.

Friday, April 02, 2004

There's a relatively new traffic light at the intersection right in front of where I live. Its main purpose is to provide a pedestrian crosswalk. But apparently no one can figure out where to stop. The white line is about 30 feet in front of the light, but it's getting very faint now, and it's difficult to see. I've often seen cars drive right up to a point almost directly underneath the light itself. So much so that the driver has to look up and try to figure out what colour it is.

It's scary sometimes when you are crossing the street, and cars are still careening towards you because they don't know where to stop.