reverse Michael Jackson?
Spotted today in the elevator, a white male holding a stack of books, on top of which is this: No Lye : The African American Woman's Guide To Natural Hair Care.
these people are annoying
they think that they're so smart, they're so cool
with their messy hair, their dirty clothes, that they bought that way
they play their retro board games and
they drink wine, for fun
The head of the country's largest phone company ridiculed San Francisco's interest in building a municipal Wi-Fi network that is designed to offer cheap or free Internet service throughout the city.One could have said the same thing about city roads and interstate highways back when the model T just came out. The fact is, what residents expect is constantly evolving, and having a municipal wifi is not inconceivable as a public service (think about inner-city kids who can buy a cheap $300 computer, and not have to worry about monthly internet charges).
"That could be one of the dumbest ideas I've ever heard,'' said Ivan Seidenberg, chief executive officer of Verizon Communications, ... "It sounds like a good thing, but the trouble is someone will have to design it, someone will have to upgrade it, someone will have to maintain it and someone will have to run it."
"Why in the world would you think your (cell) phone would work in your house?" he said. "The customer has come to expect so much. They want it to work in the elevator; they want it to work in the basement."The fact is, there are a lot of people out there now (> 50% of people I know in Seattle) who use only a cellphone as their communication device. One of the major criteria when I look for an apartment is cellphone reception. It shouldn't be too much to expect. If cellphone coverage can extend to subways in Europe, I should get at least 4 bars in a residential neighbourhood. Having their CEO make idiotic remarks like that just make me want to not do business with them (not that AT&T is any better).