Tuesday, June 28, 2005


Canadian Parliament passes legislation to allow gay marriage.

Thursday, June 23, 2005


I drove into work today.

On my way up 12th, I saw the worst display of street parking I've ever witnessed. There were so many cars taking up 2 parking spots that I lost count after 3 (my skills of counting notwithstanding).

People, if you're going to park on the street, at least have the common decency of pulling up close to the adjacent car so as to leave spots open for the next vehicle. The streets around work is not a high traffic (in terms of people coming and leaving) area, so the number of bad parking jobs is really a phenomenon. I blame it on the new flood of interns.

Wednesday, June 22, 2005

Summer Breeze

We had a party last Saturday to celebrate the summer and our new apartment.

This was the result.

There were also two people who (we think) pretended to be from the stranger's party crashers. But we're not buying it.

Monday, June 20, 2005

The Seattle Freeze

The Seattle Times documents the strange social phenomenon in Seattle.
"People here don't ever just hang out - there's no time for that - but those are the times you really get to know people."

Any attempt to socialize begins to feel like too much effort, he says. "You have to try to get together 10 times before someone doesn't cancel."


After a series of squirmy rebuffs, she realized that when Seattleites say, "Let's do something sometime," what they really mean is: "Let's never do anything ever."

Thursday, June 16, 2005


The bus that brings us into work stops in the middle of a slight hill. You can walk uphill and enter through the first floor, or walk downhill and enter through the basement.

What really confuses me are the people who walk downhill, enter through the basement, then take the elevator up to the first floor (because they work there). Is it really that much less work?

I'm trying to learn dvorak, so the last couple of lines took me 20 minutes to type.

Monday, June 13, 2005


On Saturday I woke up early (before noon is early), and went with John down to Gasworks park to gawk at the participants of World Naked Bike Ride day.

Needless to say, like everywhere else in Seattle, it was 30 men, and 2 women. I think the turnout wasn't as well as expected because it was fairly chilli outside. we tagged along with the riders for a while, and I think it was probably the first time I've felt awkward because I was actualy wearing clothes. John was so ashamed that he had to take his shirt off. But the riders were too slow, and eventually we tired of staring at naked men's behinds, so we took off for some faster trail riding.

Pictures from the debauchery here.

Also some wakeboarding and random shots.

Thursday, June 09, 2005


I'm not sure if this is for real or not, and the selection is slim, but if it is, maybe it's where we need to go in order to find a common language.

But at least the site is entertaining, from one of their top 10 lists:
. Geeks haven't formed bad relationship habits. After years of dating other people, the socially successful have become too confident to be intimate, think of partners as being only for their self-gratification, and focus on making themselves happy. None of this is true of a geek. The lack of past romantic partners allows the geek to approach lovers with the zest of a neophyte. Geeks are not full of romantic confidence. However, once encouraged, they are eager to please and enjoy their relationship.

Sunday, June 05, 2005

Lessons Learned from Vegas

  1. The Vegas is dead on the Thursday night after Memorial Day (I mean, the bars are all closed by 3 am, what's up with that?).
  2. If you want to get into places like the Body English at the Hard Rock, be prepared to either have a 2:1 F/M ratio, or a couple grand to reserve a table with bottle service. And no one gets in without "talking" to the host.
  3. Don't sit beside Ben when gambling, he takes away all your luck.
  4. Strippers never want to "just talk".
  5. They also make more money than you or I.
  6. It may be dark as you start your night of partying, but bring sunglasses because the shock of daylight as you're leaving the club at 6 am will blind you.
  7. Always take a finer look at the prices on the menu before you sit down and order. $16 mixed greens and mandatory $10 bottles of Voss will double what you were expecting to pay.
  8. Lines at the men's washroom can be longer than the lines at the the women's, but trying to bribe your way into the front is taking it a little too far.
  9. In some cities, it makes sense to have a monorail (unlike Seattle).
  10. When using a fake ID, make sure it doesn't say you're 27 with brown eyes when you're actually 19 with green eyes.

Special thanks to Becca's sister Marissa for showing us around town.

Wednesday, June 01, 2005


Monday was a big day of shopping. John and I went and bought a new couch for the apartment (because John's old futon just wasn't cutting it). The new couch is very comfortable, and just the right size for the space.

Julie, John's sister, was down visiting, and we decided that it was time John bought a new outfit. We went to a Lucky store, and spent a lot of money (well, John did), and he got his first pair of jeans in 10 years. It was a monumental purchase.

I just got 2 19" LCD monitors at work, so now I have a 3 monitor setup. It's pretty sweet.

Tomorrow we're off to Vegas.