In Canada, there's a huge waiting time for non-urgent MRI scans (this
source from 2001 shows that the median waiting time was 12 weeks).
I went in for an MRI yesterday, after the doctor told me to set up an appointment last Thursday, a 2 business day wait.
Why did I get an MRI? Because the doctor told me so. I've also been getting these headaches whenever I exert myself, and was worried with all that information about internal bleeding and tumors and aneurysms out there on the internet. So I went to see a doctor, and he wanted me to get a scan, so I did.
It was pretty fun. I was set up for a head and neck scan (MRA's actually - A is for Angiography). For the neck scan they needed more contrast, so I had to get an IV put in that was hooked up to a "power injector", which would inject some gadolinium into my blood stream for increased contrast.
It was pretty relaxing (good for an afternoon nap), except the machine was very loud, and sometimes shook, and the space was very small (it's a good thing I'm not claustrophobic). After all was said and done, I was in there for about 45 minutes, and they took a lot of pictures.
Today I got a call from the doctor. Apparently I'm going to live afterall. Now I just have to wait for the bill.