The debate about whether to teach Intelligent Design (ID) in US schools has be going on for years. But it's been brought into the limelight again by some recent
comments by President Bush. Proponents of ID are saying that it does not have a religious basis, and should be taught as an alternative alongside evolution in high school science classes.
So let's take a look.
1. Why is there a need to teach it, especially in high school?
Pretty much all of the stuff I've learned in high school science were not cutting edge science. They've been studied for decades (at the least), and are well formulated for understanding. ID is such a new field in science (if it is science at all - see below), that there's not even ONE peer-reviewed paper published in a journal, anywhere.
Proponents of ID are making it look like ID and Evolution are two theories that would each hold its own weight when looked at side by side. The truth is, it isn't. ID has no scientific reputation, no supporting evidence, and is not recognized by the vast majority of scientists. It does not belong in a high school science curriculum.
2. Is it science?
We first need to agree that just because some scientists agree with something, doesn't make that something science (lots of scientists believe in God too, but that's not science either). Science is where we formulate a hypothesis, use observational data from experimentation or empirical data, and come to a conclusion. Sometimes this conclusion is only a thoery, and needs to be studied more, but a theory needs at least some supporting evidence. (For example, if I said that the pyramids were made by aliens, that's pure speculation, and not science. If I did an archeological dig around the pyramids, and found a spacecraft that seems to be not from this world, then I have some basis to formulate a scientific theory).
Now let's look at ID. One of its primary premise is Irriducible Complexity. It basically states that because some basic building blocks in biology are so complex, where even if one little part failed, the whole system would fail, and the system could not possibly have come from random mutations and natural selection, that there must have been an intelligent designer who designed it.
The problem here, is that it's a false dichotomy. Even if there are irriducibly complex systems, that doesn't mean an intelligent designer is the only conclusion. There may need to be adjustments in evolutionary theory, or there may be an entirely new theory out there. Just because some people postulated this as the conclusion doesn't make it so (see
arguments from ignorance)
Also, there's no supporting evidence. ID doesn't try to explain who the intelligent designer is, just that one exists. But the only supporting evidence to the existence of an intelligent designer is the postulate that there is one (because some systems are irreducibly complex, there must be an ID). This is proving things exist by assuming that they exist.
3. Does it even make sense?
Many people who are trying to push ID into the science curriculum are emphasizing that ID is not based in religion, that it does not postulate God as the designer. This is because trying to establish religion in the public classroom is against US law.
So let's say that we don't know who the designer is.
Let us also say that when there is an irreducibly complex system, there must have been an intelligent designer (this is the premise of ID).
I'm going to make a bit of a leap here, and postulate that the intelligent designer is also an irreducibly complex system (for surely a simple system could not "design" an irreducibly complex system - and if they could, then the whole ID argument would be moot because then a irreducibly complex system could have evolved from a simple system).
The following argument is now paraphrased from the
wikipedia article on ID.
If the designer of the irreducibly complex system is also irreducibly complex, then who designed the designer? This creates a bit of a chicken and egg problem, and the only logical solution that may fit within the bounds of a finite universe (if we believe in science) is that there was an initial designer that wasn't created by anything, and was just there.
And who can that designer be but God?