Some might be familiar with the googlebombing effort to associate the keyword "failure" (or more appropriately "miserable failure", but we're only looking at "failure" today) with the POTUS, as well as the countereffort to associate it with Michael Moore. But it appears as though google has some inconsistencies in their index (possibly because the latest index have not been deployed to all machines), as shown in the two screen captures below.

This does bring up the next concern, that being, does google have session stickiness? In other words, as I enter a search term, and then click through the next arrows to get to page 2, 3, ... n of the search results, is it the results from the same machine? If not, we can see more inconsistencies between the result pages. Of course, this probably isn't a serious usability problem, but may bring up issues with their deployment system should they move on to bigger and more operationally aware projects.

This does bring up the next concern, that being, does google have session stickiness? In other words, as I enter a search term, and then click through the next arrows to get to page 2, 3, ... n of the search results, is it the results from the same machine? If not, we can see more inconsistencies between the result pages. Of course, this probably isn't a serious usability problem, but may bring up issues with their deployment system should they move on to bigger and more operationally aware projects.