Friday, January 27, 2006


It just shows that no publicity is bad publicity.

On Jan 8, the Smoking Gun pointed out glaring inaccuracies in James Frey's memoir A Million Little Pieces (that climbed to the top of the bestsellers list because of its inclusion in Oprah's book club). Frey then went on Larry King to defend his book, and Oprah even phoned in to give her support.

Yesterday, Oprah admitted on her show that she was wrong, and Frey admitted to lying.

Today, A Million Little Pieces is still #4 on's Top Sellers list (with Oprah's new selection - Night - by Elie Wiesel being #1).

Wednesday, January 25, 2006


As this study in bats shows, brains or balls, you can't have both.

Wednesday, January 18, 2006

Weekend fun

Last Sunday we went to Gasworks park at the top of Lake Union, and flew around Matt's Christmas present - an RC plane. The results were mixed - alright, we crashed it a lot - but we got everything on tape (or should I say DVD).

I spent some time editing it in movie maker, and this is the result (WARNING - 17 MB wmv file). If you want the full 200 MB wmv file, you'll have to talk to me.

Friday, January 13, 2006

26 days

Some would say that Seattle is a great place to live. It's not too cold in the winter (rarely does it dip below freezing), it's not too hot in the summer (a fan would suffice for most summer nights), it's not too big, and yet you wouldn't call it small either, it's close to skiing, close to boating, close to the ocean, close to the mountains, close to biking, close to hiking. It has a stable industry base, it has major sports leagues (except hockey, which is disappointing), it has its rich neighbourhoods, and its ghettos (soon to be infiltrated by hipsters and hipster wanna-bes), it has a monorail (which is prone to accidents), and a Jetsons-esque space needle, it even has it's own moniker -- the Emerald City.

It's really a pretty great city to live in.

Then there's the rain.

Most of the time, it's not even really raining, but only presents the possibility of rain, with the gray clouds, and the misty air, and some low hanging fog. But recently, it's been raining, a lot. 26 days straight actually. (Well, that's a bit of a lie, but it has rained at least part of the day for 26 days straight - and cloudy for all those days). Now we're going for the record - 33 days, set in 1953. We just need to make it another week.

Of course, this pales in comparison to the 247 day rain record set at Kaneohe Ranch on the island of Oahu, but then again, they're in Hawaii.

Tuesday, January 10, 2006

what not to buy

Organic food is all the rage these days. Pesticides, mad cows, GMOs, obesity, etc, are scaring everyone into buying organic (translate into healthy) foods. But is it worth the investment?

Consumer Reports tells it like it is.

I had no idea you could even buy organic cosmetics.

Wednesday, January 04, 2006


I just saw Bill O'Reilly on Letterman, and Dave wasn't giving him any space to talk. It was great. Not the normal Letterman at all, it was definitely the most political I've ever seen him. In fact, it was way harsher than when O'Reilly was on the Daily Show.

I just got more respect for Letterman.

Monday, January 02, 2006

Still the same

New Years pictures where we partied out rock star style until dawn, and slept until 4.

drunk John