Monday, March 20, 2006

Outlook feature request #1001

Why, when I schedule an all day event, and mark it as Out of Office, is there not a little button that will let me set an OOTO auto response message just for that period?

Friday, March 17, 2006

Thank the people who launder your clothes

There used to be a day when my dress shirts were dirty, and I'd have to toil over the washer and dryer, wondering if it was permanent press or delicate, can I dry it, what temperature should the dryer be set to ...

Then I'd have to get out my tiny table top ironing board (that someone in my old building threw out when they moved), and my "half-an-iron" (it's actually a portable steamer/iron), and spend another 10 minutes pressing the newly laundered shirt.

But this week, I discovered the cleaners. For $2, they'll wash your shirt for you, press it, and add starch if you want to. There's a dry cleaner two blocks away from my apartment, so I can just drop it off and pick it up on the way to work. And since I don't really wear dress shirts normally, this should be cost effective too. This is sure to be a life-changer.

Monday, March 13, 2006

It took long enough

If you go to the gateway page, the cursor now defaults to inside the search text box. It took long enough, but finally someone added that little snippet of javascript, and now all is happy.

Sunday, March 05, 2006

This title intentionally left blank.

A live action recreation of the Simpson's opening sequence. Created by the producers of the Simpsons, but still cool nonetheless.

Wednesday, March 01, 2006

Empty coffee

Two days in a row now I've went to the coffee machine in the kitchen at work, only to find it completely empty. Where's the common courtesy to make another pot when you empty it?

Virtual driving

This new app from windows live local is pretty cool, a different take on's yellow pages.