Saturday, April 22, 2006

not during work

but drunkafterwork.

fixation with blondes

So I caught glimpses of the Miss USA pageant (Okay, I recorded it, and it was disappointing because it wasn't in HD), and what's striking is the percentage of blondes in the finals (I'd provide photo evidence, but there's no easy way of doing screen caps in media center).

During the introduction stage, I counted roughly 15 blondes (out of 51). In the top 15, it became 8 blondes and 7 others. In the top 10, it was 6 blondes, and 3 in the top 5. Of course, a blonde won Miss USA.

Tuesday, April 18, 2006

Sometimes I wonder

Sometimes I wonder, is the news day really that slow? What other explanation is there for pieces like this making it onto TV?

Of course, after watching the video, there's a followup.

Thursday, April 13, 2006

World's most expensive?

I like sandwiches, but paying $150 for one?

In all seriousness, I think I can sell a sandwich for more. I'd be willing to make anyone a PB&J for only $999. It's not the quality, it's the experience.

Thursday, April 06, 2006

I blame it on DST

I don't own an alarm clock, instead, I rely on the alarm function of my phone to wake me up every morning. It's worked reasonably well over the past year or so. But lately, I've been having trouble getting up. I've been using the snooze function more and more, and sometimes I just turn it off and go back to sleep (any alarm within arms reach that has a snooze and can be turned off easily is doomed for failure).

In fact, it's gotten so bad that this morning, I had a dream, and in this dream world, an alarm was going off, but no one could figure out where it was coming from, or how to turn it off. When I finally did wake up, I realized that it was my phone alarm going off, and I had incorporated it into my dream.

I blame it on daylight savings time.

Tuesday, April 04, 2006


I finally got off my ass and uploaded some more pictures from the past 4 months.

Sunday, April 02, 2006

My legs are spaghetti

Just got back from a weekend in Whistler. Pretty fantastic. It was definitely spring conditions, although the peak was still pretty cold, but the base is practically slush. My legs are burning right now. Three days of snow activities is a lot to handle.