It seems I've been travelling back east a lot lately, even though it's only been twice this year, but both times were in the last month and a half, so it seems like a lot in my short to mid term memory.
Normally I'm not a big fan of having to travel to Toronto, mostly because of the flight times. You pretty much spend two days just travelling. This time, I had to get the earlier direct flight, which leaves at 8 am. This brought me to the airport at 5:45, and I ended up checking my luggage, even though it's only a weekend bag, simply because I didn't want to deal with the whole liquid/gel/whatever that the TSA is imposing on us travellers.
When I got into the TDot, Kevin picked me up, and we went to his dad's canoe launch (it sounds weird, but when you spend a year building a canoe, you'd want to have a celebration too, and it was a good looking canoe). Afterwards, we met up with some old friends Kristy and Heather, and Jenn for a
night out in Toronto that was followed by some 2 am sushi.
The next day I attended my cousin's wedding, which involved a lot of food (good Chinese food), and some
impromptu kareoke.
On Sunday I had some dim sum (which I haven't had in a long time, but desperately wanted to) with the family, and got dropped at the airport, only to wait in another 5 lines before drowsily arriving in Seattle.
It's good I don't have any travel plans for the near future, it'll save me some time, and some money.