Tuesday, November 28, 2006


I've been through a lot of snow lately.

First, we went up to Whistler on Wednesday night. About half way up the mountain, gigantic snowflakes started falling, and people started driving at around 30 kph. But all the snowfall did mean that it was the best opening weekend I've ever seen (not that I've seen a lot).

On Sunday, tired from three days of boarding, I decided to skip the day, and head back early. But again, the snow foiled my plans of having an early return. First, people were driving even slower now going down the mountain, and just before the border (at the Blaine trucker crossing), the snow was about 6" thick, and the roads were pretty slippery. At the border, it was closed for about 1/2 an hour, while we just sat in the car, and it took us about another hour to get through. After the border, it was frozen slush on the ground, which, incidentally, is like driving across a million speed bumps. After another hour and a half of bumpy, snowing, 10 mph driving, we finally got to a state where we can go a decent speed on I-5.

Total stats: 9 hours to get from Whistler to Seattle, witnessing 16 cars in the ditch along the way.

Last night, it kept on snowing (even in Seattle), so the buses stopped running, people stopped coming to work, and we couldn't get the keys to our new house this morning because the property management lady couldn't drive across the lake because of "ice". On the way to work, all the buses had snow chains on (even the ones that don't leave the city), and I didn't see a single street that had snow or ice on it.


More pics once I move, and finally get settled down.

Wednesday, November 15, 2006


freaky face

This image is just freaky, and I had to share. It's apparently half a face that's made to teach the effects of smoking (bad teeth, bad gums, tongue sores, etc), but it's a little too realistic and a little scary.

Tuesday, November 14, 2006

Samsung D900 unboxing

Samsung D900 box

I recently bought a new phone on ebay because my razr is just not cutting it anymore. The battery life is bad, the reception is bad (I get a hissing noise a lot of times), and the technology is bad. So I saved up and bought a new one, and I switched to a slider this time, all seems well so far.

Monday, November 13, 2006

Zune launch party

zune logo

Matt scored some passes to the Zune launch party at the War Room, where some indie band called the blonde redhead played. Free drinks all around. But you knew it was a nerd party because at 12 midnight, everyone was gone.

Thursday, November 09, 2006

biodiesel garbage trucks

garbage truck

I saw a garbage truck while waiting at the bus stop on my way home, and I had to take a picture. Apparently the garbage trucks in Seattle use biodiesel. That's pretty cool. I guess we are metroNatural afterall.

Wednesday, November 08, 2006


Bodum Pavina

I recently bought some double walled glasses from the company, and they're pretty cool. Gimmicky, but cool. There's supposed to be a vacuum between the two glass walls so it keeps your hot/cold drinks warmer/cooler for longer. I mainly use it to drink tea and coffee at work.

Monday, November 06, 2006

Monday night football

The Seahawks game is on next door, and the fans are very loud. Everyone that's still at work are wearing headphones. I think the Seahawks might have just scored (... goes to check website ... yup).

Today is a miserable day for a ball game though, especially since the stadium is open-air. It's been raining all day, everything's wet, the air's not that cold, but the dampness will definitely add to the chill. Maybe I'll head home at half time and watch the game from by big screen in HD.

Sunday, November 05, 2006



Saturday was SeaCompression, a Burning Man party in a 25000 ft2 warehouse, with various displays, costumes, art, music. Some highlights include a 4-man pogo stick, pole dancing, and a long fire show.

Thursday, November 02, 2006

Fire and smoke

fire engines

Today, we were on the bus, heading to work, when our route was obstructed by a blockade of fire trucks and ambulances. It turns out that the apartment building behind the City Market was on fire (well, just smoldering by the time we got there). But since our bus was on overhead electricity, it couldn't go anywhere. We had to get off, walk to a different bus stop, and take 2 extra buses just to get to work.

Wednesday, November 01, 2006

Raging bull

raging bull

Bull in the office.