Wednesday, June 27, 2007

Life's little ironies

Fortune cookie from dinner:
Your love life will change for the better

Monday, June 25, 2007


is my hero.

Friday, June 22, 2007

Note to self

09/29/07, go see Red Bull soapbox race.

Older but not wiser

Every birthday is an excuse to reminisce.

Every year I get a little older, but never seem to realize the significance of it. Taken on a micro, day-to-day scale, nothing much changes. But in the blink of an eye, it went from the crisp crunch of snow under my feet as I first set foot in Canada 17 years ago to the equally crisp clink of glass as we toast my 26th.

In the interim, there's been ... well, just think of all the cliched pairings of words like love, loss, anger, joy, friendship, heartbreak, mistakes made, lessons learned, etc etc. And in the end, I reach the present, looking forward to the future that seems so distant, and yet flies by so fast that I don't even have a chance to grasp it or understand it until the next time I stop and reminisce...

The next time I have a birthday.

Monday, June 18, 2007

It's hard being grown up.

Ideas for Billmonk

1. Add an "add interest" button, preferably based on the prime rate (or prime - x, where x is specified by the user). This way, interest can be applied to long term debt.

2. Send out a monthly email with your balances. This is a passive aggressive way to suggest payment.

3. Start to actively get corporate customers (like property management firms) to process their online transactions with their customers (because the current online solution that the PM firm managing our house rental uses sucks). In fact, there should be a whole "renters" section for group rental situations that has features customized to the niche, because sometimes just having a "group" is not enough.

Friday, June 15, 2007


Canadian Judge's sentence for 24 year old man: you can't have a girlfriend for the next three years.

Thursday, June 14, 2007


I've submitted an article to I, Anonymous before (when my old car got stolen), but it didn't get selected. But now I can say that I know someone who got published.

But in the spirit of the column, I won't say who it is. Although many will know.

Tuesday, June 12, 2007

Note to self

On 7/7/7, go buy a WildCharger.

Learn something new everyday

I always thought it was weird when the New Yorker would add umlauts to words like preëmptive or coöperation. I just assumed that it was part of their presumptuous style.

Well, it turns out that they're not umlauts at all, but are diaeresis.
The diaeresis is used over the second instance of a pair of vowels in some words. It denotes either a difference in emphasis or pronounciation (such as for double vowels in words like preëmptive, coöperation), or indicates that the second vowel, which might normally be silent, is instead pronounced (compare the ai in pain and naïve).

For more than you'd ever care to know about diaeresis, there is also an article at everything2.

Wednesday, June 06, 2007

Random stuff that's sold on

Maine weather stick - a stick that points up when the weather's good, and down when it's not.

The Pee-pee Teepee for the Sprinkling Wee-Wee - The title speaks for itself.

Rechargeable horse trimmer - for all your horsing needs.