Tuesday, July 31, 2007

The original

Now for sale on Amazon.com, the octabong.

Monday, July 30, 2007


Who wants an island?

Sunday, July 29, 2007

Last weekend's wedding

Congrats Jon and Scarlett.


Thursday, July 19, 2007

101 Meals

101 Simple recipes.

Tuesday, July 17, 2007

Things to buy


Time lapse controller for the camera.


Billmonk balance

lots of money

I need to stop paying for stuff.

Monday, July 09, 2007

iPhone Gripe

My biggest gripe with the iPhone so far: no group SMS.

I cannot add more than one person as the recipient of an SMS message. This seems like a serious (software) design flaw, because one of my major uses of texting is group texts. You also cannot cut/paste, which means that if I want to send the same text to multiple people, I need to type it again and again.

What I need now is some sort of reverse twitter/dodgeball, where I can select people to push messages to instead of them subscribing to it.

Thursday, July 05, 2007

July 4th

I spent a very lazy Independence Day sitting around the park, sitting around a pool, taking a nap, and then watching the fireworks on a roof.

But I did manage to get some pictures. Also on picasaweb.

Tuesday, July 03, 2007

Designer business cards

Not of the everyday variety.

Although I think this one could be dangerous.

I've always wanted to make a business card with just one word on it, a word that you know, when googled, will turn up your site as the #1 result. But I guess that's hard to guarantee.

Monday, July 02, 2007

iPhone first impressions

Works pretty good, except when EDGE goes down (like it did for most of today). Then 6 out of the 16 buttons pretty much become useless (YouTube, stocks, maps, weather, mail, and safari).

The interface is slick, and the touch screen is better than I imagined. Typing is OK, but not necessarily faster than the normal keypad with T9. I really wish that they could put some punctuation in with the letter keypad (rather than with the numbers and symbols).


Only webapps for addon apps is lame.

Bluetooth can only be paired with a headset (no stereo output, or file transfer).

Browsing on EDGE is like dialup (so 1997), but probably saves a lot of battery power.

Smudges on the screen really show when in direct sunlight.

Camera is meh, no video.

The freeze

Seattle freeze, now in YouTube form.